Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Host Color Announced TextPattern CMS Web Hosting Service

Host Color, a global quality web hosting provider announced the launch of TextPattern Hosting Plan. The new TXP service is priced at $3.99 per month and enables owners of TextPattern CMS websites to work in customized web hosting environment.

(OPENPRESS) October 7, 2008 -- Host Color said that it now offers an authoring hosting plan, based on TextPattern (TXP) CMS. TextPattern CMS is an elegant web content management platform, best for writers, journalists and other professionals who need to publish online textual presentations and easy to manage them.

"I'm happy to say that our TextPattern Hosting Plan is now open to welcome the best authors from different areas", said Host Color's Managing Director Alexander Avramov to web hosting media. He has also added that the TextPattern hosting service is made exclusively for TXP websites. It can not be used to run other software applications.

The limitation is set due to quality assurance, so the hosting company can guarantee that customers of TXP Plan will use the promotional price of $3.99/month to host TextPattern websites only.

"TXP is a great content management platform. Although it is not the most trendy one on today's CMS market, it is the best for journalists and for authors who need to create and publish text presentations. This of course includes academics and any other writers", said Mr. Avramov.

He explains that Host Color is happy to create customized web hosting environment at low cost for people who are addicted to writing. "I'm sure TXP will become favorite CMS to anyone who loves to write. We also like it and that's why we are happy to provide high-class web hosting environment to TXP users", added Host Color's executive. His company maintains more than 30 different hosting plans in order to better customize Shared Hosting services.

Host Color offers web hosting plans in price range between $2.99 and $11.99 per month. Priced at only $3.99/month TextPattern Plan is among the most inexpensive ones. Alongside with TextPattern authoring CMS Host Color allows its TXP customers to use ZenPhoto gallery.

The TextPattern hosting plan features 1,000 MB disc space and 5 GB monthly transfer. Host Color says that these quotas will be increased for anyone who needs more space and monthly transfer, but it does not want to promote any numbers that aren’t realistic or might be considered as overselling.

Besides pre-installed TextPattern CMS, customers can use a number of TXP skins without additional cost, and to meter their visitors with AWStats. Anyone who wants to register new domain name with their TXP plan has to pay only $8.95 for web address under COM, NET, ORG, INFO, BIZ, US or .WS extensions.

Last week Host Color introduced its entry-level Virtuozzo VPS Hosting Plan - "VPS Start". It is priced at $19.95 per month and features 192 MB RAM, 10 GB disc space and 50 GB data transfer per month.

The web host recently has been very active in promoting some national and regional Top-Level domains such as .DE, .ME, .US, Asia, .BZ, CN and TW. It also opened its new Affiliate Program, that transfers 25% of the company's revenue per sale to its affiliates and also pays them for each unique visitor sent to Host Color's website.

About Host Color
Host Color LLC is a quality U.S. web hosting company incorporated in Delaware. It powers thousands of business and personal websites in data centers in South Bend, Indiana, U.S. and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The company also provides fully Managed dedicated hosting through HC Servers and European hosting services through HC Europe. It offers discounts to academics and non-governmental organizations. The Host Color's corporate message is "Web hosting about people, not about gigabytes."

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